Dear MonetDB users, I have created a database link from oracle to monetdb using Monetdb ODBC driver, the link works fine but i have a strange results 😓 I have the following configurations: host1: Oracle (ubuntu 64bit)host2: MonetDB (ubntu 64bit)ODBC driver: MonetDB odbc (64bit) using unixODBC driver manager on monetdb i have the following table: emp (id integer , name varchar); test query: select id from emp where id<20; when I execute this query directly on montdb I get the following results (IDs from 1 to 19)ID123..19 BUT when I execute this query from oracle using dblink select "id" from "emp"@monetdb where "id"<20 ; I GET THE FOLLOWING RESULTS: ID-------- 18589934592 21.2885E+10 31.7180E+10 42.1475E+10 52.5770E+10 63.0065E+10 73.4360E+10 83.8655E+10 94.2950E+10 10 I cannot figure out the cause of the problem and how I can solve it (it seems a problem related to datatype conversion using ODBC) Could you please tell me what I should do.... Best regards,Baraa