Hello, my name Sergii. I hope this is right place for this message. In our company we using MonetDB near 1 year and we have only one problem with it - memory leak. We found only one dependence - if we making queries then memory starts growing. I read "Memory footprint" article that MonetDB excessively uses main memory for processing, but I thought it should stop allocate memory after sometime but it's not. And looks like this allocated memory is not gives some performance. What we do now is restarting monet server every month. I found on mserver5 man-page parameter "gdk_vmtrim" but I'm not 100% sure is it what we need and what correct way to apply this parameter. Maybe MonetDB SQL has some function to unload no needed memory? Maybe it's php/nodejs clients (from github.com/MonetDB repo) somehow cause this memory leaks?
I will appreciate any help