!01 ERROR: MT_mmap: MapViewOfFileEx(150c, 1, 0, 0, 196885248, 0) failed !01 OS: Espacio de almacenamiento insuficiente para procesar este comando. #01 #GDKmmap(196885248) fail => BBPtrim(enter) usage[mem=4583848,vm=1158283264] #01 #mallinfo.arena = 5927701 #01 #mallinfo.ordblks = 61996 #01 #mallinfo.smblks = 383 #01 #mallinfo.hblkhd = 0 #01 #mallinfo.hblks = 0 #01 #mallinfo.usmblks = 1768421 #01 #mallinfo.fsmblks = 345928 #01 #mallinfo.uordblks = 3811784 #01 #mallinfo.fordblks = 1568 #01 #BBPTRIM_ENTER: memsize=4583848,vmsize=1158283264 #01 #BBPTRIM: memtarget=0 vmtarget=1073741824 #01 #TRIMSCAN: mem=0 vm=1, start=1, limit=1 #01 #TRIMSCAN: 92596* 0=tmp_2143 (#20500000) #01 #TRIMSCAN: 92598* 1=tmp_2144 (#20510000) #01 #TRIMSCAN: 92599* 2=tmp_2145 (#20510000) #01 #TRIMSCAN: 92600* 3=tmp_2146 (#20510000) #01 #TRIMSCAN: 92601* 4=tmp_2147 (#20510000) #01 #TRIMSCAN: 92602* 5=tmp_2151 (#20500000) #01 #TRIMSCAN: end at 1 (size=1197) #01 #TRIMSELECT: dirty = 0 #01 #TRIMSELECT: candidate=tmp_2143 BAT*=454e700 #01 # (cnt=20500000, mode=4096, refs=0, wait=0, parent=0,0, lastused= 92598,92596,-2147391052) #01 #TRIMSELECT: delete tmp_2143 from trimlist (has been touched since last scan ) #01 #TRIMSELECT: candidate=tmp_2144 BAT*=454e7f8 #01 # (cnt=20510000, mode=4096, refs=0, wait=0, parent=0,0, lastused= 92599,92598,-2147391050) #01 #TRIMSELECT: delete tmp_2144 from trimlist (has been touched since last scan ) #01 #TRIMSELECT: candidate=tmp_2145 BAT*=454e8f0 #01 # (cnt=20510000, mode=4096, refs=0, wait=0, parent=0,0, lastused= 92600,92599,-2147391049) #01 #TRIMSELECT: delete tmp_2145 from trimlist (has been touched since last scan ) #01 #TRIMSELECT: candidate=tmp_2146 BAT*=454e9e8 #01 # (cnt=20510000, mode=4096, refs=0, wait=0, parent=0,0, lastused= 92601,92600,-2147391048) #01 #TRIMSELECT: delete tmp_2146 from trimlist (has been touched since last scan ) #01 #TRIMSELECT: candidate=tmp_2147 BAT*=454eae0 #01 # (cnt=20510000, mode=4096, refs=0, wait=0, parent=0,0, lastused= 92602,92601,-2147391047) #01 #TRIMSELECT: delete tmp_2147 from trimlist (has been touched since last scan ) #01 #TRIMSELECT: candidate=tmp_2151 BAT*=454ecd0 #01 # (cnt=20500000, mode=4096, refs=0, wait=0, parent=0,0, lastused= 92596,92602,-2147391046) #01 #TRIMSELECT: keep tmp_2151 [82035748,82035520] bytes [82035748,82035520]
Hi All, I am working with Windows XP SP2 (32-bit), with 2Gb RAM; am using Java 1.5. I downloaded MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-i386-20080624.msi; Squirell has been update to use monetdb-1.8-jdbc.jar. I am trying to upload data from MySQL to MonetDB5, using the MonetDB Bulk Loader that comes with Pentaho Kettle 3.1. I am using a MySQL table with a little over 9 millon rows & 7 columns (2 BIGINT, 2 INT and 3 FLOAT, consequently I understand no encoding issues are involved). After a number of failed transformation attempts to load my data to MonetDB, on all attempts the Monetdb Server is suddenly shutting down after some 20,000 records are processed. When trying to review the data -that I understand to be in MonetDB- using Squirell, the following server console screen out is shown (I had to modify the .config file to "gdk_debug=1") and as likewise, the MonetDB Server shuts down: ***console output start*** C:\MONETDB\CWI\MonetDB5>MSQLServer.bat # MonetDB server v5.6.0, based on kernel v1.24.0 # Serving database 'demo' # Compiled for i686-pc-win32/32bit with 32bit OIDs dynamically linked # Copyright (c) 1993-2008 CWI, all rights reserved # Visit http://monetdb.cwi.nl/ for further information #warning: please don't forget to set your vault key! #(see C:\MONETDB\CWI\MonetDB5\etc\monetdb5.conf) # Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb:// # MonetDB/SQL module v2.24.0 loaded dir ty target(mem=0 vm=1073741824) #01 #TRIMSELECT: end #01 #TRIMSELECT: dirty = 1 #01 #TRIMSELECT: candidate=tmp_2151 BAT*=454ecd0 #01 # (cnt=20500000, mode=4096, refs=0, wait=0, parent=0,0, lastused= 92596,92602,-2147391046) #01 #TRIMSELECT: unload tmp_2151 [82035748,82035520] bytes [82035748,82035520] d irty #01 #TRIMSELECT: end #01 #BBPTRIM: lastused batid name #01 #BBPTRIM: -2147391046 1129 tmp_2151 #01 #BBPTRIM_EXIT: memsize=114688,vmsize=1076232192 #01 #GDKmmap(196885248) fail => BBPtrim(ready) usage[mem=4583792,vm=1076232192] #01 #mallinfo.arena = 5927717 #01 #mallinfo.ordblks = 61993 #01 #mallinfo.smblks = 384 #01 #mallinfo.hblkhd = 0 #01 #mallinfo.hblks = 0 #01 #mallinfo.usmblks = 1768421 #01 #mallinfo.fsmblks = 346232 #01 #mallinfo.uordblks = 3811728 #01 #mallinfo.fordblks = 1336 !01 ERROR: MT_mmap: MapViewOfFileEx(1510, 1, 0, 0, 196885248, 0) failed !01 OS: Espacio de almacenamiento insuficiente para procesar este comando. !01 ERROR: GDKload: cannot mmap(): name=21\2150, ext=tail !01 OS: Espacio de almacenamiento insuficiente para procesar este comando. !01 ERROR: GDKload failed: name=21\2150, ext=tail ***console output ends*** Furthermore, I have tried to find the folders holding \var\MonetDB5\dbfarm with no luck. Ie, they are not in the MonetDB folders that are installed when using the Windows Installer referenced above. I would very much appreciate any asisstance you can provide, as my interest is to actively use MonetDb in my DW / BI projects. Kind Regards, Daniel Murray