Hi, I wan to use "COPY INTO table from 'file'" SQL instruction with a user rather than monetdb. This user needs the administrator rights. So far I have done these using monetdb user as the login: CREATE USER "mdb_user" WITH PASSWORD '"password"' NAME 'Test db user' SCHEMA "sys"; CREATE ROLE "testdbadmin" WITH ADMIN CURRENT_USER; GRANT "testdbadmin" TO "mdb_user" WITH ADMIN OPTION; CREATE SCHEMA "testdb" AUTHORIZATION "mdb_user"; ALTER USER "mdb_user" SET SCHEMA "testdb"; I learnt this from MonetDB UserGuide tutorial and from MonetDB authorisation documentation. However, I still cannot use 'mdb_user' for COPY INTO from file command. What is missing? What does 'ADMIN OPTION' do? How to make 'mdb_user' have the same right as monetdb? At the moment, I'm using monetdb user directly. But, it would be a bit nicer to have a different username. I'm working on a web service connecting to 3 different databases: mysql, postgres and now monetdb. They have a common username for the database connection. If I keep using monetdb user, the commonality rule is broken. I have another to use 'mdb_user' via STDIN and piping, but exporting DOTMONETDBFILE as an environment variable to make mclient login with out asking for password is another complexity dimension. Making mdb_user to have administrator rights like monetdb is the best option for me if this is possible, and I hope this is possible. Regards, Puthick