Hi, where can I find some MAL samples? I'm trying to do very simple things such as storing and loading a bat, joining bats and iterating through them. I know I can do an explain on SQL statements, but those seem incredibly convoluted even for a simple select on a single column, which should be a straightforward sql.bind(,,,0) with follow-through sql.resultSet and sql.rsColumn if I understand this whole business correctly. Instead, it's doing a couple of algebra kunion and kdifference that I don't understand. I'm not trying to do MAL algebra on a SQL database, I'm trying to go 100% MAL and hand-coding some simple joins and iterators. I would have gone SQL all the way, but I need to iterate through a bat and calculate a result for each row, then return that sorted new bat based on the result. Doing it in SQL is overly complicated when some simple MAL statements should do the job. Thanks. --- Henri Asseily henri.tel