Op 17-05-10 16:51, Matthew Jones schreef:
Another huge issue is that deleting records from a table still won't shrink the size of the table. I like to keep some of my raw data tables small so once a day I delete some already processed records out of them, dump the table, and then reload it.
Another quicky would be:
start transaction; drop table activeselecting; create table activeselecting... insert into activeselecting select * from alldata; commit;
Does the wrapping inside a transaction change anything regarding space reclamation? I am currently trying to create a working scenario for tables with changing content but a bounded amount of rows, where also the physical storage requirements remain bounded. So far the only solution that seems to work for me is to regularly create a new database and move the data over. I have filed a bug report ([1]) for that, where you can find two test scripts, one which only deletes the rows and one which also continuously uses new tables to hold the data. Both scripts result in unbounded storage requirements. Best regards, Isidor [1] http://bugs.monetdb.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2539