13 Jan
13 Jan
3 p.m.
Hi Kevork, Am 13.01.2017 um 02:58 schrieb Kevork Vartanian:
I was wondering if there is a case insensitive version of the IN operator, similar to ILIKE. Or is the IN itself case insensitive? It's mainly to avoid using nested OR's and ILIKE's if a case insensitive IN exists, to make the queries much simpler. Also, I don't want to use functions like lower as it's a big data set and the use of functions may make the queries even slower. Somewhere a case conversion has to happen. As strings are shared through offsets (correct me if I'm wrong) a case conversion on the whole column should be more efficient. MonetDB works on individual columns and will only load one column in that case (if it's not already in memory).
Regards, Moritz