On 18-12-2007 13:15:04 +0100, Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl wrote:
Yes, horror.
I don't understand why this wasn't properly communicated...
For convenience and consistency, the names of all tar balls and the top-level directories in them have been "canonicalized" in by Sjoerd on 2007/12/03 (please mind the last line of his checkin message):
=================================================================== 2007/12/03 - sjoerd:
Changed the name of the generated tar balls (and the name of the top-level directory within them).
The names are now equal to what nightly testing created, so that doesn't have to rename the tar balls anymore.
--> "are now equal to what nightly testing created"
The files are still installed in the same place as before. Building RPMs still works.
The main change in the code is that we no longer use @PACKAGE@ since that is the longer tar ball name which we don't want in the installation directories we create. Also, we can't use the defaults
when installing include files since they would also otherwise be installed in a directory with @PACKAGE@ in it.
Note, this will undoubtedly negatively affect the monetdb-install script, but I leave it to its owner to fix that.
I fixed it a few days ago. Apparently the naming has changed once again. In any case they were NOT "equal to what nightly testing creatED" this morning, as my symlinks obviously suddenly were pointing into void. Thanks.