I am trying to run some TPC-H queries to get a sense for how large of databases MonetDB can handle. I am currently trying a factor 20 database. I notice that on query 9, it is taking over two hours (still running). In "top" it claims that virtual memory for the process started at 27 GB or so, and is now down to 10 GB. What is noteworthy is that CPU usage is pretty small, at 2%. I previously observed 80-100% with a factor 1 database. I have 8 GB RAM, with 2 GB RAM swap. System swap is on a slower partition than the data drive, which is a relatively fast RAID 5 disk array. Might I be better off disabling system swap altogether when using MonetDB? Are there any other configuration changes I should make or MonetDB best practices I should follow? Thanks, Rahul = Mercedes Homes- San Antonio real estate Mercedes Homes builds homes and communities in the San Antonio area. http://a8-asy.a8ww.net/a8-ads/adftrclick?redirectid=9c24f83a902bfb70ef8d7bc6... -- Powered by Outblaze