H*E.R+E WE GO A+GAIN! T*H,E B_I'G O+N E B-EFORE T.H-E SEPTEMBER.* RALLY! T,H'E MARK+ET IS ABOU.T TO P'O+P,, A-N D SO IS E*X_M,T.! Firm.: EXCH*AN GE MOBIL*E T_E+L E (Oth,er O_T-C : EXMT.PK*) Tick*: E,X,M,T A.s,k': 0,._1*0 (-'+25.00%) (*U*P TO 2+5+% in 1 d,a+y+) 5-d+ay p_o*tential: 0+.+4'0 T.h-i+s a gre+at opport-unit y to at l east doubl e up! N.o,t o,n_l'y d.o.e.s t,h i-s f+i-r m h'a.v+e gre+at fun,d.amentals, b-u-t g'etting t h,i_s op'po-rtunity at t*h'e righ+t tim*e, r*ight b_efore t*h'e ral'ly is w-h_a,t m*akes t+h'i-s d_e'a.l so swe-et! W*atch it s_o_a r_! Expl'oit no 1 F-o.r t_h-e r'e,s*t of t*h+e article.-, I w.i'l_l ass.ume t'h,a-t t-h_e vul nerabl,e p*rogram we att_ack u-s,e_s strc.py or spri_ntf. T'w-o l-arge peopl_e fig+htin,g, scr+ea+ming. Or it m*ight be a s_e.p t f*r-o-m t+h+e Gosh.ien. Cousin*, a+l l h_onour to t_h+e*e.. A p.ointer to t'h+e req uest,ed int'erface,.