from the latest MonetDB release notes:
Time and date related types and the comparison and extraction
functions on top of them have been implemented in MonetDB/XQuery.
So you will find some support in the latest release:) For more details
of what is supported right now you can check
I dont understand your question on how an xml datetime representation
looks like. Do you refer how it looks like internally in
MonetDB/Xquery or what is the syntax of XML datetime types?
There are no improvements in the sense of doing datetime specific
optimizations. The gain is that the comparison and addition operators
for datetimes are optimized as if they were numerics (hence you gain
all the performance optimizations you have for numerics) while
simplifying the query formulation since you use plain strings that can
be casted to datetimes.
On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Hans van Rijswijk (DT)
Hi Monet development team,
Can anyone (e.g. lsidir) tell me what the status is of the development on the date/time support in xquery. If the development has been finished: - In which version of Mserver can I find a working implementation, e.g. source tarball or Fedora 10 RPMs (URL, version, date, stable, daily build)? - How does an xml representation of a date time object look like? - What XQuery extensions can I use to address / compare date objects? - Do you know of any performance improvement / degradation with respect to using date objects? If the development has not been finished: - Same questions, and when is the release planned?
Regards, Hans van Rijswijk.
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