Dear Medha, dear all, just a few ideas and questions that jump to my mind: - What OS are you running on? - How did you measure the storage size, i.e., did you measure actual used disk space or allocated file size (the latter possibly including "unused holes")? - You're talking about "merge-joins"; did you verify that MonetDB indeed uses merge-joins? Prerequisite would be that the data is sorted and MonetDB "knows" about that ... - During query processing, dbfarm size can (will) grow due to intermediate results; given that we (MonetDB) use memory-mapped files for virtual memory, it depends on the intermediate result sizes and you manchines physical memory size, and your OS, whether or not the data actually gets written to disk or not ... - Do I understand you loop correctly, that you bulk-load your data 6000 times??? - "HC" stands for "heap cache"; we might want to investigate, why it grows so large. - We might want to double-check that we are not leaking temporary BAT --- so I have no other indication that we do ... Best, Stefan ----- Original Message -----
For bulk loading the RDF data in triples form (triples represented simply as integers 1:2:3 on each line of datafile to load, where 1 is an ID to which subject value is mapped, 2 to which predicate string is mapped, and 3 is what object is mapped to), I use commands and SQL statements like --
$ monetdbd create /path/to/dbfarm/rdf $ monetdbd start /path/to/dbfarm $ monetdb create lubm $ monetdb release lubm $ mclient -d lubm -lsql < /path/to/bulk_load_file
bulk_load_file contains -- -------------------------- create table lubm100u(sub int, pred int, obj int); copy into lubm100u from '/path/to/datafile' using delimiters ':','\n';
create table lubm100u_p1(sub int, obj int); create table lubm100u_p2(sub int, obj int);
insert into lubm100u_p1 select sub, obj from lubm100u where pred=1 order by sub, obj; insert into lubm100u_p2 select sub, obj from lubm100u where pred=2 order by sub, obj; ------------------- Then I run bulk queries like --
for (( i=1; i <=6000; i++ )); do echo $i sed -n "${i}p" /path/to/bulk_q_file | mclient -d lubm -lsql | grep -P "^\|\s+\d+\s+\|$" >> results_file if (( i % 1000 == 0 )); then echo "Shutting down MonetDB" monetdb stop lubm monetdbd stop /path/to/dbfarm/rdf sleep 10 echo "Starting MonetDB" monetdbd start /path/to/dbfarm/rdf monetdb start lubm sleep 2 fi done
My queries were simple 1 join on a pair of vertically partitioned tables --
select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p1 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.sub; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p2 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.sub; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p3 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.sub; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p4 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.sub; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p5 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.sub; ................... etc AND
select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p2 as t2 where t1.sub=t2.sub; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p3 as t2 where t1.sub=t2.sub; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p4 as t2 where t1.sub=t2.sub; ................. etc
select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p2 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.obj; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p3 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.obj; select count(*) from lubm100u_p1 as t1, lubm100u_p4 as t2 where t1.obj=t2.obj; .................. etc.
I noticed that for very large datasets (~800 million rows in original sub, pred, obj table), the simple merge-joins on vertically partitioned tables kept on crashing for some long running queries. And at the time of crash sometimes the disk got full because datasize increased several times more than original one. I thought that due to crash and backup/recovery this may have happened, but then when I tried running queries on really tiny RDF dataset (~13 million rows), the server didn't crash but the size of db farm increased as much as 25 times!
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Lefteris
wrote: Hi Medha,
can you tell us a bit more how you load the data, which SQL statements you used and how you did the vertical partitioning?
What you are describing should not be happening.
thank you
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 2:25 PM, Medha Atre
wrote: Just wondering if anyone could throw a light on this issue?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Medha Atre
Date: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 5:11 PM Subject: growing size of database To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Hi,
I am running the latest MonetDB 11.13.3. I loaded a pretty tiny RDF dataset of 13 million triples and created some "vertical partitions" on predicate values. After having done dataset loading, I checked the size of the dataset folder and it showed to be _258 MB_. Then I ran about 6000+ bulk queries by periodically shutting down the server after about 1000 queries each time. The queries finished successfully and there was no crash. After the final query I stopped the database "monetdb stop dbname" and shutdown the main server too "monetdbd stop /path/to/dbfarm".
After that I again checked the size of the database folder and then it showed it to be _5.8GB_ and the "HC" folder under "bat" was shown to have size of about 3 GB with some other files having sizes between 300-700 MBs.
It seems mysterious to me why would the size of database go on increasing as much as 25 times the original size.
I intend to load much larger data (> 1 billion triples), and want to avoid growing disk size of the dataset due to limited disk-space.
Can someone please enlighten?
Medha _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org http://mail.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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