11 Feb
11 Feb
10:35 a.m.
Stefan Manegold wrote:
Since I'm not a perl expert, I feel free to forward this to Steffen Goeldner, who is generously taking care of the Perl interface of MonetDB.
I hope, you don't mind, if I put his on your desk, do you?
That's absolutely ok.
I would be great, I you could have a look at this problem. You can find the whole thread at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=6536996&forum_id=42505
If necessary, you can probabaly ask Ed for his patch...
Yes Ed, please send me a diff -u. In the face of the imminent release date, I'd prefer to make modifications in the development trunk only, not the release branch. Would that be acceptable? Steffen