Hello Hannes, 

Thanks for your reply. I have made that monetdb work on mac using Homebrew.

Now is up and running.


El 03-12-2012, a las 5:25, Hannes Mühleisen <H.F.Muehleisen@cwi.nl> escribió:

Hello Ivan,

On 03.12.2012, at 01:23, Ivan Videla <ividela@gmail.com> wrote:
i try to install monetdb under mac os x mountain lion. I downloaded monetdb for mac os x. X86_64 version. I copied monetdb folder to /usr/local, but i haven't been able to start a database. I have followed the instructions from here http://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/monetdbd when i get to this point ( monetdb release my-first-db ) after i try to do a monetdb status. I get that my-first-db is stopped. 
After i checked log file i get a message that the database appears to shutdown itself after start.
Could you provide more details, such as the exact version (URL) of the file you have downloaded, the method you used to install it, and the output of the log file (merovingian.log and syslog, if applicable).

I would like to know if someone has running succesfully monetdb in mac os x mountain lion.
Yes, I have it running fine here.



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