sql>select * from kbms_logserver_msg t where  command = 'CmdWxInfo' and logdate = '2013-08-06' and functionret <> '0' and servertime > '1375757230' limit 10; 
| logdate    | command   | commandtype  | functionret | costtime | servertime | serverip      | serverport | clientip       | clientport | clienttype |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |     3032 | 1375757231 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |     3032 | 1375757244 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |     3030 | 1375757257 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |     3032 | 1375757962 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |     3030 | 1375757970 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |       60 | 1375760693 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |       60 | 1375760693 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |       59 | 1375760693 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |       63 | 1375760872 | | 7000       | |            |            |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |       54 | 1375760872 | | 7000       | |            |            |
10 tuples (55.709ms)

sql>select * from kbms_logserver_msg t where  command = 'CmdWxInfo' and logdate = '2013-08-06' and functionret <> '0' and servertime = '1375757231' limit 10; 
| logdate    | command   | commandtype  | functionret | costtime | servertime | serverip      | serverport | clientip       | clientport | clienttype |
| 2013-08-06 | CmdWxInfo | getwxinfoall |        -535 |     3032 | 1375757231 | | 7000       | | 44328      |            |
1 tuple (52.761ms)
in the first query,when servertime > '1375757230' limit 10;clientport are all NULL.
while in the second query, servertime = '1375757231' ,clientport appeard again.
it proves that the clientport exist but just didn't appear in the query.

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "357416268"<357416268@qq.com>;
Date:  Thu, Aug 8, 2013 02:47 PM
To:  "users-list"<users-list@monetdb.org>;
Subject:  monetdb lost column info when queryring

some of the column "clientport" is NULL, but if change to another query method, it appeared again.

2. another bug:
sql>select * from t_ivr_result limit 1;
could not allocate space for
HEAPextend: failed to extend to 15096348672 for 02/04/20413.theap
another time:
 ERROR: HEAPextend: failed to extend to 23460839424 for 02/21/22122.theap
it seems monetdb applied a heap of 15G ,the RAM is 64G,

root@ free -g
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:            62         45         16          0          0         43
-/+ buffers/cache:          2         60
Swap:            2          0          2

so the left memory is 16G, but failed to applied 15G heap.
and the table t_ivr_result is only 3G, there is no need to apply such a
large heap.
 sql>select count(*) from t_ivr_result;
| L1       |
| 40299239 |
1 tuple (137.023ms)

sometimes the heap is 24G:
ERROR: MALException:mat.pack:could not allocate space for
ERROR: HEAPextend: failed to extend to 23460839424 for 02/21/22122.theap
