On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 18:04 +0200, Niels Nes wrote:
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:48:58AM -0400, James Leigh wrote:
Thanks for your quick response. It is unfortunate that MonetDB does not support this, but it is manageable. Any ideas why this other statement
I don't think correct 'transaction isolation' is a problem. Its a feature any dbms should have. Just revert the 2 create statements and it should work as expected.
It is a problem if the schema is not fixed and there are multiple connections that all need to share data in a new table. However, as I said it is manageable.
(ps72) throws a "Query did not produce a result set" in MonetDB?
No I don't. Could you try to run the queries with out java, ie simply using mclient -lsql?
The sql is fine, it runs the first time - no problems. However, when executed again (after a new table is created) it fails. James