Hi, I've just discover MonetDB. I've found some documentation but i've still some questions. 1) About replication, i'm unable to find a documentation about replication support inside MonetDB, if it is not supported do you plan to support it natively, or is there some special script to launch in order to have database in sync. 2) About clustering, my understanding about clustering is to allow one client to launch a sql query on a database through merovingian (if i understood). The query is analysed by all nodes of the cluster and then it return the answer. However, it seems it is not the case, if I follow the documentation on the website about clustering, it seems that I will be connected through a round robin fashion to one of the node. Once connected my query will be executed only on that node. 3) About multithreading, I mean multi query execution per user, I think MonetDb support the fact that multi user can connect to the database and launch different query on it. But is it possible to configure the number of concurrent connection, to setup the number of thread that handle queries ? 4) If MonetDb crash, is it possible that db files become corrupted ? In this case, is there a script to fix it ? Thank you for your help Joel