Makoto YUI wrote:
create table t1 (f1 int); insert into t1 values (1); insert into t1 values (2); create table t2 as (select * from t1 limit 1) with data; This is improper SQL syntax.
Limit can only be placed on the result set.
The above "create table" caused the following syntax error on the Limit clause.
syntax error, unexpected LIMIT, expecting INTERSECT or EXCEPT or UNION or ')' in: "create table t2 as (select * from t1 limit"
Is this an expected behavior?
This "subquery" issue might be related. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=482468&aid=2620437&group_id=56967
I'm using Nov2009-SP1 on Linux.
Thanks, Makoto
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