On 21-07-2008 12:20:56 +0200, Stefan Klinger wrote:
On 18 July 2008, Stefan Manegold wrote with possible deletions:
see `monetdb-install.sh --help` for details.
To be honest, this just added to my confusion: There are nightly checkouts, tarballs, branches and a trunk, stable/current/development, and even tags...
I can download tarballs, checkout via CVS, or use the install-script.
This makes three methods to retrieve the sources, and a lot of sources to choose from. I simply lost orientation when choosing the right combination for me.
Let me try to help you understand our maze. quote: --nightly=target download and install a nightly snapshot of the stable or current branch, target must be 'stable' or 'current' --cvs checkout a CVS snapshot of the current branch Now, first thing, the monetdb-install.sh script is a little helper, it does nothing more than executing some commands to help you get the complex process of getting a useful MonetDB instance running. The script itself is not a "distribution" at all, it is only a mere meta-file. Second, that you get confused in the jungle of branches, tags, releases, snapshots and more of that is quite understandable. However that seems to be the faith of MonetDB. Hence, the monetdb-install.sh script tries to help you again here. Referring to the quote now, there are two options that in total select 3 out of the maze of branches, etc. To make it easier, in fact, MonetDB knows (short version) only two "branches", a "current" and a "stable" branch. Of course these branches remain in CVS, where our development is tracked. The --cvs option to monetdb-install.sh simply selects the "current" branch (you cannot choose), and makes a CVS checkout for that. With that option you get really up-to-date sources, but that comes at the price of needing more tools to build, which may be missing on your system. Exactly for that reason we do some preparatory steps on the CVS sources every night, removing most of the build tool requirements. We call those "prepared" sources "nightly snapshots". That is where the --nightly option comes in. If you don't require bleeding edge up-to-date sources, you best take a nightly snapshot. The only thing here, is that you have to choose: do you want the "current" or "stable" branch? Roughly, the "stable" branch means the latest release + bugfixes that we applied. The "current" branch contains new features and ground-breaking improvements. If you're looking for a solid and stable playground, you best take the "stable" branch (--nightly=stable). If you are adventurous, and require new features, you best take the "current" branch. Note that when using --cvs you implicitly belong to this brave adventurous group of people ;) I hope this clears up the confusion a bit.