How to find all running processes and their statuses in MonetDB?? 

I found this...

But I couldn't get this work... I ran a query (which took some 20 seconds to complete) in a window and connected the same database in another terminal and ran "select * from sys.queue" (several times during those 20 seconds) but I could get only this... 

sql>select * from sys.queue;


| qtag  | user    | started                    | estimate                   | progress | status  | tag        | query                    |


| 27339 | monetdb | 2015-08-13 05:35:40.000000 | null                       |     null | running | 12532134@0 | select * from sys.queue; |


I am using Oct-2014 version of monetdb on CentOS... 

Is there a way to find all running processes and their statuses in MonetDB?? 

Thanks & Regards,

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