I'm very new to MonetDB and am just starting to play around with it.  One of the things I'm trying to get my head around is the concurrency model.  I've observed some things that make sense and others that I don't understand.

1. Concurrent COPY commands into the same table will cause one or the other to roll back.  This makes sense as MonetDB seems to lock at the table level.
2. SELECTing data from a table that concurrently has a COPY command running against it doesn't seem to produce any concurrency errors
3. However, if I INSERT INTO table_B (SELECT ... FROM table_A) while a COPY command is running against table_A, I do get concurrency conflicts
4. Also, if I have a COPY command running into table_A and concurrently issue DDL creating a new table_B, I get a concurrency conflict as well

Observations 3+4 seem to indicate that DDL operations and INSERT ... SELECT FROM ... use some sort of database-wide lock.

This begs the following questions:

a) Is there in fact database-wide locking going on here?
b) Is there a workaround that would allow me to issue DDL and make also internal copies of tables while concurrently loading data into other tables?
c) Is there something fundamental about the architecture of the database that requires database-wide locking for these ops or is this just a detail of the current implementation that could potentially be ironed out?
