If you are using your own Java program (which you can modify) and latest monetdb-jdbc-2.24.jar you can use method:
If you using a Java program which you cannot change and latest monetdb-jdbc-2.24.jar, you may try to set the socket timeout option: so_timeout in the JDBC URL:
This enables the socket
timeout and sets it to 12000 millseconds (= 12 seconds). Note,
this timeout is NOT the same as the query or session timeout,
but maybe it helps/works for you.
See also: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/SQLreference/Programming/JDBC
Thanks, stethoscope is very usefull to analyze the querys, but i need to restrict the querys that
are taking a lot of time in the system , is there any way to set the querytimeout to a default value for a
specific session or for all the users or something like that?. Most of the users are making connections
using jdbc and i need to restrict the querytimeout for them.
El 2017-02-04 04:15, Martin Kersten escribió:
Indeed, logging the queries is a client/session specific action.
To capture all interactions for pos-session analysis, you can
consider using the stethoscope[1]
regards, Martin
[1] https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/MonetDB/Profiler/Stethoscope
On 03/02/2017 20:15, Sebastián Acevedo wrote:
Hi, there is any way to chnage the default querytimeout for a user?...
i need to use this to make a restriction for long querys,
if i run call sys.settimeout(1) this change is only apllied to
the current session and if i login again with the same user the timeout is not longer applied.
| user | login | sess | lastcommand | quer | activ |
: : : iont : : ytim : e :
: : : imeo : : eout : :
: : : ut : : : :
| monetdb | 2017-02-03 19:1 | 0 | 2017-02-03 19:13 | 1 | true |
: : 2:37.000000 : : :28.000000 : : :
| monetdb | 2017-02-03 18:0 | 0 | 2017-02-03 18:10 | 0 | false |
: : 9:47.000000 : : :18.000000 : : :
| monetdb | 2017-02-03 19:1 | 0 | 2017-02-03 19:13 | 0 | false |
: : 3:10.000000 : : :12.000000 : : :
Sebastián Acevedo
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