Hi, Please find attached a query (and corresponding schema) that results in mserver5 using more than 1GB of memory and terminating after 6 mins with this output: MAPI = (monetdb) /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000 ACTION= read_line QUERY = PLAN SELECT DISTINCT h3.obj, CASE WHEN u_ENDPOINT.value IS NOT NULL THEN u_ENDPOINT.value WHEN l_ENDPOINT.value IS NOT NULL THEN l_ENDPOINT.value WHEN ll_ENDPOINT.value IS NOT NULL THEN ll_ENDPOINT.value WHEN lu_ENDPOINT.value IS NOT NULL THEN lu_ENDPOINT.value END, NULL FROM triples t0 INNER JOIN triples h1 ON (h1.pred = 21 AND h1.obj = 42 AND h1.subj = t0.subj) INNER JOIN triples h2 ON (h2.pred = 5 AND h2.subj = t0.subj) INNER JOIN triples h3 ON (h3.pred = 20 AND h3.subj = t0.s ERROR = !Connection terminated Is it a problem of optimizer? Any guidelines to deal with it will be appreciated. I also attached merovigian.log. -- George Garbis