MUAs cannot see what? The "Reply-To:" header?
Stefan Manegold wrote: they are limited to view one, but can send multiple
1) That's another (good) reason for me to stick to my old but reliable elm ;-) 2) If the user simply hits "reply" [s]he doesn't have to "see" the "Reply-To:" header; the mail program should of cause adhere to the protocol and act accordingly! 3) A MUA where the user cannot add/modify (custom) headers IMHO doesn't deserve to be called "MUA". A program that can customize all of the headers is called 'telnet'. A User Agent simply acts on behalf of the user to do some standard tasks. The RFC nowhere mentions that a MUA should be able to produce all kinds of headers available in the protocol.
Ohw come on... yes there are people that are not common to type 'find x -name "y.z" | xargs grep v' just to find a certain message. :p So, since we're talking about the users-list, we should even be prepared for the worst of all: Microsoft Outlook users. So let's quit whining about MUA's. Now, back to the "real(tm)" problem.
The stable tarbal compiles fine without any problem.
Ok. Could you please ask the user[s] to try also the head of the CVS MonetDB_4-6 branch (i.e., MonetDB 4.6.1 iso. MonetDB 4.6.0 or MonetDB 4.7.1)? Thus we could locate the problem to be either in teh changes between the "released" MonetDB 4.6.0 and the "bug-fixed" MonetDB 4.6.1, or between the "bug-fixed" MonetDB 4.6.1 and the "developed" MonetDB 4.7.1 .
(Of course, if the "bug-fixed" MonetDB 4.6.1 fails, too, we still don't know, whether the problem is in the code changes between 4.6.0 & 4.6.1, or rather in the fact that the tarball of th previous is pre-bootstrap, while the latter is a CVS check-out that is to be bootstrap --- Hence, instead of checking out the latest MonetDB_4-6 from CVS, you could also send her/him/them the lastest respective tarball: /ufs/monet/Testing/Stable/MonetDB/.GNU_32-d/Fedora3/MonetDB-4.6.1.tar.gz )
The user[s] need 4.7.1. Well... let's quit pretending all kinds of things. The problem has been solved already. It just compiles again. ! ! ! !Administrator, please cancel my pending message please, as it is not of any use any more. ! ! ! ! ! Sorry, can't help you here.