Hello, I hope anyone can help with database crash. In .gdk_lock is following: USR=1001 PID=6751 TIME=Mon Feb 10 16:04:17 2014 @ LOGON USR=1001 PID=6751 TIME=Mon Feb 10 16:04:18 2014 @ !FATAL: logger_new: there is a logger catalog, but no log file. Are you sure you are using the correct combination of database (--dbpath) and log directory (--set sql_logdir)? If you have done a recent update of the server, it may be that your logs are in an old location. You should then either use --set sql_logdir=<path to old log directory> or move the old log directory to the new location (/u01/ceosdata/database/monetdb/drmax/crm/zkdev1/sql_logs/sql/). USR=1001 PID=6751 TIME=Mon Feb 10 16:04:18 2014 @ LOGOFF Anyway to start the database without logs ? Thanks, Radovan