Fabian wrote:
thanks for digging this out!!! Sjoerd, would you please take care of fixing the samples and sample code in the documentation of Mapi.mx?
While am at it, there's another problem with the example code on: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/APIs/Mapi/C/index.html that I ran into and solved by finding the examples directory and looking at the code there. It uses "guest" for username and 0 for password. This doesn't work with the out of the box MonetDB install, while "monetdb", "monetdb" for username and password does work. The text: The user identification is the ubiquitous anonymous guest, for whom we do not require a password. ought also to be changed. There also appears to be a lack of error messages when you log in with the wrong username/password combination, though the program does appear to bail early in such cases.
I hope that now this is resolved you can actually start using MonetDB.
Yup, looking forward to playing with it more now. Happy to give feedback. Regards, Martijn