sql>DROP TABLE ci__data__agregats ; DROP TABLE ci__data__reporting ;DROP TABLE ci__data__reporting_ci ; DROP TABLE ci__data__reporting_regle; DROP TABLE ci__data__resultats; DROP TABLE ci__data__resultats_datamart; DROP TABLE ci__data__traductions; DROP TABLE ci__ref__calcul_final; DROP TABLE ci__ref__traductions_agregats; DROP TABLE src__arv__achat; DROP TABLE src__bil__commandes; DROP TABLE src__eve__abo; DROP TABLE src__eve__qlf; DROP TABLE src__eve__vpc; DROP TABLE src__mia__inscrits; DROP TABLE src__sdv__inscrits;
operation successful (28.442ms)
DROP TABLE: no such table 'ci__data__reporting'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'ci__data__reporting_ci'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'ci__data__reporting_regle'
operation successful (28.490ms)
operation successful (28.497ms)
operation successful (28.502ms)
operation successful (28.507ms)
operation successful (28.511ms)
DROP TABLE: no such table 'src__arv__achat'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'src__bil__commandes'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'src__eve__abo'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'src__eve__qlf'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'src__eve__vpc'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'src__mia__inscrits'
DROP TABLE: no such table 'src__sdv__inscrits'
sql>select * from sys.queue();
| qtag | user | started | estimate | progress | status | tag | query |
| 12 | monetdb | 2014-10-17 14:34:16.000000 | 2014-10-17 14:34:16.024000 | null | running | 51539607560@0 | drop table src__arv__achat; |
| 13 | monetdb | 2014-10-17 14:34:16.000000 | 6453-11-03 00:20:26.928000 | null | running | 140082976780320@0 | drop table src__bil__commandes; |
| 14 | monetdb | 2014-10-17 14:34:16.000000 | null | null | running | 4@0 | drop table src__eve__abo; |
| 15 | monetdb | 2014-10-17 14:34:23.000000 | null | null | running | 11776651@0 | select * from sys.queue(); |
4 tuples (1.504ms)
We do a lot of drop followed by create table.
We believe that this is related to a concern for duplication in the catalog table (table xxx is not single, corrupt catalog?)
52 route de bischwiller
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