Hi, ok, i will try :) MonetDB version: 11.19.9 (Oct2014-SP2) OS: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS Hardware: 16GB RAM, Intel Core something. Sorry, but I`m currently unable to get this information. SSD data: Gene information with some varchars query: SELECT anon_1.sample_id AS anon_1_sample_id, anon_1.variant_id AS anon_1_variant_id, anon_1.qual AS anon_1_qual, anon_1.is_heterozygous AS anon_1_is_heterozygous, anon_1.read_depth AS anon_1_read_depth, anon_1.ref_depth AS anon_1_ref_depth, anon_1.alt_depth AS anon_1_alt_depth, anon_1.strand_bias AS anon_1_strand_bias, anon_1.qual_by_depth AS anon_1_qual_by_depth, anon_1.mapping_qual AS anon_1_mapping_qual, anon_1.haplotype_score AS anon_1_haplotype_score, anon_1.mapping_qual_bias AS anon_1_mapping_qual_bias, anon_1.read_pos_bias AS anon_1_read_pos_bias, annotations.variant_id AS annotations_variant_id, annotations.feature_id AS annotations_feature_id, annotations.ref_codon AS annotations_ref_codon, annotations.alt_codon AS annotations_alt_codon, annotations.ref_acid AS annotations_ref_acid, annotations.alt_acid AS annotations_alt_acid, annotations.type AS annotations_type, annotations.region AS annotations_region, annotations.splice_dist AS annotations_splice_dist FROM (SELECT calls.sample_id AS sample_id, calls.variant_id AS variant_id, calls.qual AS qual, calls.is_heterozygous AS is_heterozygous, calls.read_depth AS read_depth, calls.ref_depth AS ref_depth, calls.alt_depth AS alt_depth, calls.strand_bias AS strand_bias, calls.qual_by_depth AS qual_by_depth, calls.mapping_qual AS mapping_qual, calls.haplotype_score AS haplotype_score, calls.mapping_qual_bias AS mapping_qual_bias, calls.read_pos_bias AS read_pos_bias FROM calls JOIN samples ON samples.id = calls.sample_id JOIN patients ON patients.id = samples.patient_id JOIN diseases ON diseases.id = samples.disease_id LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT calls.sample_id AS sample_id, calls.variant_id AS variant_id, calls.qual AS qual, calls.is_heterozygous AS is_heterozygous, calls.read_depth AS read_depth, calls.ref_depth AS ref_depth, calls.alt_depth AS alt_depth, calls.strand_bias AS strand_bias, calls.qual_by_depth AS qual_by_depth, calls.mapping_qual AS mapping_qual, calls.haplotype_score AS haplotype_score, calls.mapping_qual_bias AS mapping_qual_bias, calls.read_pos_bias AS read_pos_bias FROM calls WHERE calls.qual > 0 AND calls.sample_id IN (227, 230, 233, 234, 237, 190, 195, 198, 199, 203, 270, 273, 276, 189, 343, 366, 367, 368)) AS anon_2 ON anon_2.variant_id = calls.variant_id LEFT OUTER JOIN known ON known.variant_id = calls.variant_id AND known.source_id IN (1, 2, 20, 19, 46) WHERE samples.accession IN ('17041R5', '20195R', '21984R', '23273R', '23390R', '13264R', '18337R', '18533R', '19811R', '20039R', '21776R', '21809R', '22927R', '17294R', '17071R', '21016R', 'Greif1R', '18337T', '18533T', '19811T', '20039T', '21809T', '22927T', '20195T', '21984T', '23273T', '23390T', '17041T', '17294T', '17071T', '21016T', '13264T', '21776T', 'Greif1T1S') AND calls.qual >= 50 AND anon_2.variant_id IS NULL AND (known.variant_id IS NULL OR known.clinical AND (NOT known.clinical_significance = 2) OR known.precious OR known.locus_specific_db)) AS anon_1 JOIN variants ON variants.id = anon_1.variant_id JOIN annotations ON variants.id = annotations.variant_id JOIN features ON features.id = annotations.feature_id JOIN transcripts ON transcripts.id = features.transcript_id JOIN genes ON genes.id = transcripts.gene_id WHERE (variants.is_transition IS NULL OR variants.is_transversion IS NULL OR (variants.is_transition OR variants.is_transversion) AND (anon_1.strand_bias IS NULL OR anon_1.strand_bias <= 60.0) AND (anon_1.qual_by_depth IS NULL OR anon_1.qual_by_depth >= 2.0) AND (anon_1.mapping_qual IS NULL OR anon_1.mapping_qual >= 40.0) AND (anon_1.haplotype_score IS NULL OR anon_1.haplotype_score <= 13.0) AND (anon_1.mapping_qual_bias IS NULL OR anon_1.mapping_qual_bias >= -12.5) AND (anon_1.read_pos_bias IS NULL OR anon_1.read_pos_bias >= -8.0) OR NOT (variants.is_transition OR variants.is_transversion) AND (anon_1.strand_bias IS NULL OR anon_1.strand_bias <= 200.0) AND (anon_1.qual_by_depth IS NULL OR anon_1.qual_by_depth >= 2.0) AND (anon_1.read_pos_bias IS NULL OR anon_1.read_pos_bias >= -20.0)) AND (abs(annotations.splice_dist) <= 10 OR annotations.region = 2 AND (NOT annotations.type = 2) OR annotations.region = 3 OR annotations.region = 1); annotations has 7726144 tupels variants has 61132844 tupels features has 2280612 tupels transcripts has 213272 tupels genes has 62069 tupels known has 90066562 tupels calls has 18885425 tupels patients and diseases have only some tupels. I hope this is something to start with. annotations has Best regards, Martin
Am 25.06.2015 um 17:20 schrieb Stefan Manegold
: Dear Martin,
to be able to provide qualified and useful help, we'd need some more information about your data (type & volume), query, hardware & OS environment, MonetDB version, etc.
It would be great, if you could share this information with us.
Best, Stefan
----- On Jun 25, 2015, at 5:17 PM, Martin Schwitalla MSchwitalla1@gmx.de wrote:
I`m doing some experiments with a database, which originally runs on PostgreSQL. But some queries take very long on this system. Especially one query type, which takes about 14s to finish. The idea was to port it to MonetDB, because the database is not that big (~8GB) and it`s an analytical task. But suprisingly MonetDB takes even longer to finish. With the default pipeline it takes about 22-23s. I tried various pipelines and the minimal_pipe was the best. It finished the task in about 16,5s, better, but still not great. I`m asking myself what I could do to further improve the performance.
I added some primary and foreign key constraints and set the database to readonly, but it didn`t do much. The trace tells me that some joins take the most time and some subselects also take much time. But nothing besides that. The query has 10 joins.
Do you have any advices for me?
Best regards, Martin _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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