Afaik, the used value with start events should always be 0. Let us know if not.
On August 5, 2016 8:23:31 AM CEST, "Xu,Wenjian" <zeroxwj@gmail.com> wrote:HiĀ Moritz,Thanks a lot for your help.I have tried *stethscope*. When I looked at the output, I understand thatĀ entries with *done* state display the actual time needed for execution. But what about the entries with *start* state? What does *usec* refer to in those entries?Best regards,WenjianOn Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 9:17 PM, Moritz Bruder <moritz.bruder@student.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:Hi,
Hi all,I think what you're looking for is *stethoscope*.
MonetDB version: 11.23.7
Ubuntu version: 14.04
How could I obtain the running time information in the MAL interface of
mclient? I tried to use the *--interactive* option but it did not work.
I would like to obtain the running time information after getting theStart *stethoscope* and connect it to the same database, run your query. It should now show the needed execution time for every instruction while you run it (entries with *done* state display the actual time needed for execution), and additionally you will see the complete time for your function at the end. Works for both languages I use (*mal* and *sql*).
result of that query. How can I do it?
Further information: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/MonetDB/Profiler/Stethoscope
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