Hi, I want to implement a calendar based big table with prices for hotel accommodation with MonetDB. Once I have all the data in the table the performance is amazing but now I'm worried about insert/delete/update performance. I've asking at stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28122178/monetdb-refresh-data-in-backgrou... and had a nice approach but now I wonder about having a fixed size table because I can approximate the needed records for having a year of data and update them each time I have to: enable/disable, change free units, update prices, ... Some of the columns will be used for search: "destination", "date", "category", ... others for refinement: "units", "blocked", ... and others as values for the aggregations: "price", "breakfast", ... Is a fixed size table a good approach ? Updating the columns used for refinement or calculation will affect performance ? Thanks, Gustavo Brian Developer