There is currently no way to configure MonetDB/ODBC through a configuration dialog. On the other hand, there would be very little to configure. There is currently only one user (monetdb) with a fixed password (monetdb), and there is only one database available (MonetDB). The only choices you have are the host and the port. The server, by default, only accepts connections from the localhost, and on a fixed port (50000). However, you can use the SQLDriverConnect function to specify the necessary parameters. E.g. (showing the defaults): SQLDriverConnect(dbc, NULL, "DSN=Monetdb;UID=monetdb;PWD=monetdb;host=localhost;PORT=50000", SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT); On 2006-07-12 10:49, Fabian wrote:
Hi Peter Chen,
I'm not very familiar with ODBC. I'm sending your question to the monetdb-users mailing list. I expect someone there to be able to better answer your question.
On 12-07-2006 09:08:59 +0800, liudawei wrote:
Hi Groffen:
I have install the MonetDB to my computer (Operationg system is windows) and the ODBC driver.I want to connet the MonetDB server through ODBC driver,so I must do some configuration work.But the configuration work is forbidded,could you tell me why,and,how to confiigure the ODBC?
写道: Hi, Thanks for your interest in MonetDB. The technical documentation of the MonetDB kernel can be found on our webpage, http://monetdb.cwi.nl/ for MIL: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/FrontEnds/mil/index.html
The SQL documentation is limited to how to get yourself going http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/FrontEnds/SQL/index.html Our SQL syntax is conforming to the SQL/99 standard. We currently have not made a manual for the SQL/99 standard. A little help I can give you is that PostgreSQL is fairly SQL/99 conformant as well, and as such PostgreSQL queries are a good starting point for MonetDB/SQL.
Regards, Fabian
liudawei wrote:
Hi: I am a starter on MonetDB,I am interesting in this excllent Database.My questions are is: 1) where I can get the manual of Monet Server and SQL Front End.
best regards Peter Chen
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-- Sjoerd Mullender