Thanks for the tip, but it is saying that SQL is not initialised. Is there something I missed?

The thing is that, everything worked fined before I copied the data. Now even if I re-install it, it remains the same. Shall I compile it from source?


On 21/10/2007, Martin Kersten <> wrote:
algatt wrote:
> I am running it on Windows XP with Athlon 64 3000 and 1GB Ram. The TPC-H I
> used just 1GB of data. The Monet Version is the latest v5.0.0. Also I
> noticed an error before everything closes down which is
> MAPI  = monetdb@localhost:50000
> ACTION= mapi_start_talking
> ERROR = !MALException:setScenario:Scenario 'mil' not initialized
Thanks, this is helpful. Assuming you use the official 5.0.0 release,
MapiClient still
uses a default language option, called 'mil'. It is used in conjunction
with the M4/Xquery stack

If you call Mapiclient pass the argument --language=sql

The upcoming release 5.2 will resolve this problem by dropping the
language default.
Also the new Mapiclient has undergone a major upgrade, including
bugfixes and more
rendering options. It will be announced shortly.

> Martin Kersten wrote:
>> Dear Alan,
>> That doesn't sound good. Can you be more specific on your platform, and
>> the MonetDB/SQL version
>> you use. Also, what was the TPC-H scale factor being used.
>> regards, Martin
>> algatt wrote:
>>> Hello, I have installed Monet and created the TPC-H schema and populated
>>> it
>>> with data. Once all data was copied, I restarted the computer to try the
>>> queries. However, now the server starts, but when I open the client
>>> everything closes immediately. I uninstalled it, and re-installed it and
>>> the
>>> same happens.
>>> Any help?
>>> Thank You.
>>> Regards,
>>> Alan
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