Hi, I am using Microsoft ActiveX Dataobject (ADO) to write my records to the MonetDB database. I am inserting records row by row (running it out of VB environment): set cnnMONETDB = new ADODB.Connection for i = 0 to rownum createsql = "INSERT INTO tablename (columnnames) VALUES (values);" cnnMONETDB.Execute createsql next i It takes me about 5min to insert 100000 rows into the database, which is too slow for my purpose. Is there any way to speed this up? I was reading that monetdb can update 100000r records per second. i must be doing something wrong then :( Thanks and regards Der WEB.DE SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! *http://smartsurfer.web.de/?mc=100071&distributionid=000000000066* [http://smartsurfer.web.de/?mc=100071&distributionid=000000000066]