On 31-03-2011 13:05:59 +0200, Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl wrote:
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 01:28:57PM +0300, Michael Sioutis wrote:
Well yes, actually I don't want to deal with an SQLException in my code. Having an SQL query (SELECT name FROM tables WHERE name like 'table_I_want_to_drop';) to see if the table is there as Fabian suggested and then move on to dropping it if it exists by checking the results of the query, works for me.
Good. ;-)
I was trying to find out if there is a single SQL query that would do that like for example in Ms SQL, but reading a bit the documentation of MonetDB I couldn't come up with sth.
What does such a Ms SQL query look like? And is that SQL:2003 standard or a proprietary Ms SQL extensions?
Extension, like MySQL's "IF EXISTS" clause at the end of the query.