Hi Stefan,
Hi Mark,
thanks for you interest in MonetDB and it's data vault features.
However, the data vault feature are still under development and far from
production-ready. They are not yet included in the Aug2011 release, and it
is not yet clear, whether and if so to which extend they will be included
in the upcoming Dec2011 release.
Assuming this "recipe" on the MonetDB website tough you about the CSV vault
feature, I'm afraid this recipe has been published prematurely. Sorry!
We will hide it, again, until the CSV- and other vault feature are indeed
included in the release.
For now, please use the standard bulk load via copy into, cf.,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Thu, Dec 08, 2011 at 04:48:01PM +1100, Mark Aufflick wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm very interested in the vault feature of monetdb, both for csv and for
> creating my own formats. Trouble is I can't make a simple example work.
> I've flattended the voc sample data into a csv file, and then try to load
> it so:
> create table test (type varchar(255), number integer, number_sup
> varchar(255), trip integer, trip_sup varchar(255), onboard_at_departure
> integer, death_at_cap integer, left_at_cape integer, onboard_at_cape
> integer, death_during_voyage integer, onboard_at_arrival integer) external
> csv '/tmp/all.csv';
> But I get an error:
> syntax error, unexpected EXTERNAL, expecting SCOLON in: ...
> Do I need to enable vaults at configure time or create time or something? I
> didn't see an option for it. I built from the "Latest" tarball on OSX Lion.
> Cheers,
> Mark.
> Cloud Services Checklist: Pricing and Packaging Optimization
> This white paper is intended to serve as a reference, checklist and point of
> discussion for anyone considering optimizing the pricing and packaging model
> of a cloud services business. Read Now!
> http://www.accelacomm.com/jaw/sfnl/114/51491232/
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