... maybe instead of using different program(-name) suffixes (--program-suffix='-dsh') --- I'n not sure we ever tested that --- you could better use different installtion prefixes, say
--prefix=/home/bruder/monetdb-root-1 and --prefix=/home/bruder/monetdb-root-2
for different version of MonetDB?
that's what I/we usually do ... Thanks for your help! The other version is installed as system package (with --prefx=/usr I guess), the arguments to monetdbd are exactly as in
Am 29.09.2016 um 21:06 schrieb Stefan Manegold: the tutorial. I removed the suffix and now it works (probably somehow related to the suffix), but I'm back at the credentials issue: 2016-09-30 13:14:52 ERR test[18989]: !FATAL: MALException:verifyPassword:Unknown backend hash algorithm: SHA512 Is there some way to manually set the password hashing algorithm? Which library provides that algorithm? Regards, Moritz