Hi Lynn,
Like Soerjd mentioned previously you should upgrade in sequence so try not get behind in releases.
Also as I found out the hard way it's impossible to downgrade.
It plays havoc with your BBP version and catalog from memory.
Brian Good
To verify: You©öre saying my upgrade from Jul2015-SP3 to Jun2016-SP2 does
not require a database recreation as the farm is not that old? This would
be great.
Thanks - Lynn
On 10/14/16, 5:08 PM, "users-list on behalf of Martin Kersten"
<users-list-bounces+lcj34=cornell.edu@monetdb.org on behalf of
martin@monetdb.org> wrote:
>Upgrade paths are automatic from the previous feature release, unless we
>have announced that
>a re-create is necessary due to internal changes that can not be handled
>Upgrades from bug-fix releases never require a database re-creation.
>Upgrading over multiple feature releases, i.e. a very old dbfarm, is not
>A dump and restore is the way to go.
>regards, Martin
>On 14/10/16 22:27, Lynn Carol Johnson wrote:
>> Hello -
>> My understanding is you should not run a new monetdb version with a
>>dbfarm created from an older version. We have just updated our system
>>from a Jul2015-SP3 version to the latest Jun2016-SP2 version.
>> I have created a new db farm and plan to recreate the tables in the new
>> My question; How do you remove the old dbfarm? Our data is quite
>>large (1.8 T) and I©öd like to retrieve this space for other use. While
>>I can start the db against the new farm, I can find no method of
>>removing the old dbfarm to reclaim this space.
>> Thanks - Lynn
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