On multi-core systems, MonetDB's mitosis optimizer ensures a good degree of intra-query parallelism. By default, the number of cores and the largest table involved determine the structure of the parallel execution, at least in the circa 2012 releases. (Yanchen Liu and I wrote a paper in 2014 discussing other strategies that can be used in selecting the table whose processing originates the aforementioned parallelism.)
Parallelism of the type described does not exist in PostgreSQL.
1- On a single server, the query is executed in parallel?, Common relational database also has this ability (SQL Server, PostgreSQL etc.)?
2- And in a cluster, the same query is distributed for cluster nodes , in MonetDB?
Luciano Sasso Vieira
Data Scientist & Solutions Architect
luciano@gsgroup.com.br | tel: 17 3353-0833 | cel: 17 99706-9335www.gsgroup.com.br
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