On 2011-06-13 10:28, Fabian Groffen wrote:
On 13-06-2011 08:45:13 +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 10:25:27PM -0300, Jerónimo Borque wrote:
Thank you Fabian, That explains it. Then CentOS can "easily" get supported, right? If you are interested I can try to investigate how to change the configure and spec to make them work for both Fedora and CentOS.
If you plan to invest time into this, please start with the plain sources from the MonetDB HG repository (cf., http://dev.monetdb.org/hg/MonetDB/), rather than the pre-packaged source tarball; i.e., check out the sources via
hg clone http://dev.monetdb.org/hg/MonetDB/
and then send us the diff.
However, with CentOS 6 on the horizon as you point out, I'm not sure whether there is need to patch our setup also for CentOS 5(.5); I'd rather suggest to wait for CentOS 6, aliminating the need for pacthes for OpenSSL (and maybe also for the spec files?) ...
We would need special spec files for CentOS to get the dependency matching for openssl there (given the knowledge we have about their patching state). It would also mean we have to hack configure to do something special for openssl on CentOS. Or, we should skip the version check, and instead look for the SHA hash-funcs we need and see if they are available somehow. The latter approach would be acceptable, but doesn't quite solve the spec dependency problem, IMO.
The spec dependency can probably be solved with a conditional in the spec file that distinguishes CentOS from the rest of the world. I'm assuming there is a variable available that we can use for that. -- Sjoerd Mullender