On 07-04-2011 13:44:44 +0300, Charalampos Nikolaou wrote:
1530 [main] ERROR java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Error(s) occurred while executing the batch, see next SQLExceptions for details java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Error(s) occurred while executing the batch, see next SQLExceptions for details
The next SQLExceptions is just current transaction is aborted (please ROLLBACK). So, I opted for inspecting the more simpler JDBC code in order to find something that would explain such an error. What it strucks me is that when i configure Sesame to use batches of a single
restart this with &debug=true appended to the JDBC connect URL, and look at the monet_XXXXXXXX.log file(s). You can find the same error string there, and probably also see in what order/when it occurred. If you find multiple logfiles, then this is a good indication you may actually have multiple concurrent transactions.