Hello, (google translate) We had a crash monetdb following a full disk. We had already found that the bug not uniq table ( corrupt catalog ) could be related to these crash . And indeed this command will return no rows before the crash , but 20 lines after the crash : echo "SELECT name FROM SYS.TABLES WHERE system=false;" | mclient base | grep " " | grep -v " name " | grep -v " tuple" | sed 's/[| ]//g' | sort | uniq -c | grep -v " 1 " 5 bdm__lm__agregats 4 bdm__lm__agregats_temp 5 bdm__tra__agregats 4 bdm__tra__agregats_temp 5 ci__data__agregats 6 ci__data__reporting .. ... ... Is the October 2014 release will fix this trouble ? We are Jan2014 - SP3 Pierre -- 1G6 52 route de bischwiller 67300 Schiltigheim Société de Services et de Formations en Logiciels Libres http://1g6.biz Tél : 06 64 63 70 35