8 Jun
8 Jun
1:12 p.m.
I got the following error while trying to run a query joining 10 tables. These tables are all 2 or 3 column tables but do have on an average 10M rows in each table. =================== lin5 kernel: journal_get_undo_access: No memory for committed data mserver5: /scratch/monet.GNU.64.64.d.5883/MonetDB5/src/optimizer/opt_joinpath.mx:227: ALGjoinPath: Assertion `b' failed. ./startmonet.sh: line 2: 9488 Aborted $MONETDB5_PREFIX/bin/mserver5 --dbname=csdb --dbinit='include sql;' ====================== After the above error, I am unable to start the MonetDB database. I get the following error. !FATAL: GDKlockHome: Database lock '.gdk_lock' denied How can I re-start the server? Thanks, - Venks