I'll add two observations to what Zhang Ying said.
1. Internally in MonetDB, the index of a column (or a BAT) in MonetDB's
BBP (BAT Buffer Pool) is a signed 32-bit integer (on most platforms), so
there isn't a theoretical problem having more than 15,000 columns; but
MonetDB was not designed with that many tables in mind. The "long
dimension" is expected to be the length of columns.
2. When you have as many as 15,000 columns, you're not simply finding
more attributes of the same items. So, for example, a person has a first
name, last name, year of birth, etc. etc. - but after several dozens of
these you're probably adding columns such as "data relevant to this
person at point X", "data relevant to this person at point Y" and so on.
In your case, I'm guessing you have a lot of points and hence a lot of
columns with data for your different items. What you should consider
doing instead is having an extra "coordinate" column. Thus, in the
example I gave, I would drop most of the columns, in favor of a second
table named "person_data". This table's columns would be "person_id" (or
some other key columns), "sample_point" and "value". Thus instead of M
columns and N records you would have N x M records with 3 columns.
On 09/10/2018 16:50, Ying Zhang wrote:
> Hai Oksana,
> A.f.a.I.k., there is no explicit limit on the #columns you can put in a relation (did you mean “table”?). The reason that mserver5 stopped responding is probably because it is busy with I/O.
> A long time ago, I once tried to create 1M tables, each with 3 columns. After about a day or something, MonetDB has created ~400K tables, and I could hear my HDD being constantly busy. MonetDB was still working, but that was already a sufficient evidence that that idea wasn’t going to work.
> So the question is actually what do you want to achieve?
> Regards,
> Jennie
>> On 9 Oct 2018, at 13:43, Oxana Dolmatova <oxana.dolmatova@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Could you tell the limitation for number of columns in a relation and the main reason for that limitation. So far I could create relations with up to 15000 columns. When the number of columns is bigger mserver5 stops responding.
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> Oksana Dolmatova
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