So, I guess the problem is now how to get my fix running with you, so we can see if it works. Do you happen to have MonetDB compiled from source?
No, I'm using the binary distribution, maybe next year I have some more time to set up the compile enviroment. I tried following http://monetdb.cwi.nl/XQuery/Documentation/Installation/Source/MinGW/index.h... these steps for compiling in a windows environment. I kind of get stuck at compiling the libxml2 part already. For this time seems quite complicated to me, when is the next binary release planned, or can somebody provide me with a windows-binary of the current version (pathfinder 0.14?) Cheers! -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Using-MonetDB----XQuery-with-PHP-tf2684807.html#a78527... Sent from the monetdb-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.