Hi Moritz
Thks for the answer!.. We are using SQL

I tried a couple but none of them is like the CONVERT_TZ we use in mysql. We are trying to find something similar to that one.

Thks in advance again!

On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 11:22 AM, Moritz Bruder <moritz.bruder@student.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
Hi Ariel,

Am 02.11.2016 um 15:43 schrieb Ariel Abadi:
Can anyone help me understand how or where  I can check the included
functions on MonetDB to convert timestamp from one timezone to another?
that depends whether you want it in SQL or MAL. For SQL you can use the table *functions* (e.g. "SELECT * FROM"). For MAL functions there is *manual.functions* (e.g. "(sigs, adrs, coms) := manual.functions(); io.print(sigs, adrs, coms);"), which is an easy way to lookup arbitrary functions. There seems to be something in module *mtime* related to timezone conversion.
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