25 Feb
25 Feb
1:16 a.m.
Hi everyone, Using the GUI (on localhost) I loaded: Migdal_2001_State_in_Society_BOOK.xml into test_collection_01. Using the query below (from http://monetdb.cwi.nl/XQuery/QuickTour/Books/index.html) as a template but using my own setup and schema, I keep getting: ERROR = !ERROR: err:FODC0002, Error retrieving resource (no such document... I've tried just about every permutation in the doc() statement I can think of. What should the path be? <bib> { for $b in doc("http://monetdb.cwi.nl/XQuery/files/bib.xml")/bib/book where $b/publisher = "Addison-Wesley" and $b/@year > 1991 return <book year="{ $b/@year }"> { $b/title } </book> } </bib> thank you, -david