Hi, I am having some problems using mal.
firstly, I want to find bats of a table 'st' I loaded.

I created a table 'st' using sql.

> ./mclient -lsql -ddemo
> \<simpletable.sql          ==> it creates table 'st' with two columns 'id' and 'name'
> \q

then, I try to use mal.

> ./mclient -lmal -ddemo
> bbp.open();
> bbp.prelude();
> a := bbp.bind("st", "id");

then, I got following error msg

> ERROR = !MALException:bbp.find:BAT not found

I thought when a table is created using sql, it stored as number of bats and I can find it through bat buffer pool.
but it seems that there is nothing in the bbp ( I tried bbp.getObjects(), and printed returns which contains no bats).
Where can I get bats of table 'st'? What can be the logical name of each bat? (same as column name?? or tablename_columnname??)

Second question) Although I've read all documents in MonetDB site, I'm still quite confused the way to use mal.
For example, if I want to create table using mal, how could it be done?
sql statement: "create table st ("id" integer not null, "name" varchar(30));"

To understand mal, I think I need number of examples.
Is there any documents I can study about mal?
Is there any way to see system generated mal when I run sql statement? If I can, it can be good example code for me.

I really hope that any one could help me.  Thanks.