
Thanks a lot Martin and Jennie.. 

I understand the Transaction flow. What I actually doubted was "Do the transaction aborts due to concurrency conflicts produce the same Throwable message when auto commit is turned ON and OFF?" 

Because I am getting two kinds of messages. I am wondering if both occur due to the same cause.
If autocommit=false ---> java.sql.SQLException: COMMIT: failed
If autocommit=true ---> java.sql.SQLException: COMMIT: transaction is aborted because of concurrency conflicts

If both the messages are caused by the same concurrency conflicts, why not show the same message appropriately despite of the autocommit status? 

Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks in advance. 

Thanks & Regards,

Mobile : (+91) 9500402305.

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 7:33 PM, Martin Kersten <martin.kersten@cwi.nl> wrote:
Please have a careful look at https://www.monetdb.org/blog/monetdb-sql-transaction-management-scheme.


On 13/11/15 14:45, Vijay Krishna wrote:

I am running a setup on MonetDB where in concurrent transactions take place. Everything works very fine but for a few transactions getting aborted due to SQLExceptions.

I have set *auto commit to false* for all these transactions. I am getting frequent SQLExceptions with the message as
*java.sql.SQLException: COMMIT: failed*

But if I retry the same transaction, this works fine. Any idea on what would be the reason for frequent commit fails?

When I set *auto commit to true* for the transactions, I get similarly frequent Exceptions but the message becomes
*java.sql.SQLException: COMMIT: transaction is aborted because of concurrency conflicts*

Is it like both the exception thrown be for the same cause?

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

Mobile : (+91) 9500402305.

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