Thou salt never destroy a MonetDB database log directory or clear it !!! The system will do so if it is safe and all pending updates have been applied correctly. Alex Bo. wrote:
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. While the mapi connetion hangs, If I open parallel mapi connections, they cannot connect too. Restarting the server without having cleared the log folder still results in hanging mapi connection attempts.
Fabian Groffen wrote:
On 20-05-2009 13:39:57 -0700, Alex Bo. wrote:
I reached a certain state where there's some sort of data corruption that prevents MonetDB to start. I get this message: !ERROR: Please move away <log folder> and its corresponding dbfarm. !mvc_init: unable to create system tables.
I use Mapi to connect to Monet, but the problem is that in this case I do net get back a failed mapi connection - instead the connection attempt hangs and never returns. Is this a mapi bug? I think this is a bug indeed. The error probably only appears after the first connect attempt?
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