Dear MonetDB friends, I am about to start the next semester of my DB implementation course here at U Tübingen. The course peeks at the internals of a variety of DBMSs, PostgreSQL and MonetDB5 in particular. The discussion in that course relies on being able to use the functions in the MAL 'sql' module directly such that students can understand how SQL queries are compiled into sequences of MAL statements. MAL scripts that have worked perfectly for this in the past now already stop at the initial sql.init() command: $ mclient -d scratch -l mal Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB interactive terminal (Nov2019-SP3) [...] mal>sql.init(); MAPI = (monetdb) /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000 QUERY = sql.init(); ERROR = !TypeException:user.main[1]:'sql.init' undefined in: sql.init(); I am running version 11.35.19 (Nov2019-SP3). Have the magic incantations that talk to SQL from MAL changed? I'd appreciate any help here. Thanks, —Torsten -- | Prof. Dr. Torsten Grust | Database Systems — Universität Tübingen (Germany) | ✉︎ torsten.grust@uni-tuebingen.de | db.inf.uni-tuebingen.de